
Using AI to enable inclusive education

We explore how artificial intelligence can make education more inclusive for students of all abilities and backgrounds – with collaborative, adaptive, and personalised learning.


Shooting Star Winner: A journey after LEAP

At LEAP 2024, Karnika (Senior Associate at Newtrace) battled it out in front of a live audience in the Rocket Fuel Pitch competition, and won the Shooting Star award; which included an equity-free investment of $150,000.  Newtrace is developing next-generation membraneless electrolyzers to enable the adoption of green hydrogen


The Garage and LEAP: When great minds come together.

We’ve been talking to some brilliant and influential leaders in the Saudi startup tech and ecosystems for #LEAP2025. This series gives us an unmatched insight into the impact LEAP has had in their success. This week we caught up with Omar Al-Shabaan, CPO at The Garage. The Garage and


Ibrahim Abdulaziz Neyaz from NTDP: How LEAP helped them reach new heights

We’ve been talking to some brilliant and influential leaders in the Saudi startup tech and ecosystems for #LEAP2025. This series gives us an unmatched insight into the impact LEAP has had in its success. Recently we caught up with Ibrahim Abdulaziz Neyaz, CEO of the National Technology Development Programme


Discover LEAP: The Creative Economy Track

In the Discover LEAP series here on the blog, we’re introducing you to the different stages and content tracks that you’ll experience at LEAP 2025. Dig deeper into the opportunities we’re lining up, and find out more about some of the expert speakers who are preparing to


Is Riyadh a smart city?

You know we’re often deep in conversation about smart cities a lot – with good reason. Smart city experts including Kris Libunao (Executive Director and Chief Sustainability Officer at SmartCT), Jorge Sebastiao (Co-Founder, Eco X, CBO Simba Storage), Joseph Bradley (CEO at NEOM Tech & Digital Company), and many more


At a glance: The AI revolution in healthcare

AI is changing the way physicians treat patients, speeding up pathology detection and treatment times, and offering more choices for patients, doctors, and healthcare operators. In 2021, a study by health insurer Optum found that 85% of the healthcare executives they surveyed already had an AI strategy. The global AI


What can you expect at LEAP 2024?

LEAP launched in 2022 as the largest debut tech event in the world, with 100,000 attendees. In 2023, we welcomed 172,000 visitors – making LEAP the most attended tech event in the world. That means that in just two years, LEAP has outperformed the world’s leading brands; some


Is anything possible? Playing with AI

At LEAP 2023, Jack McCauley (Co-Founder of Oculus, Professor of Engineering at UC Berkeley) spoke about his experience of playing with the potential of AI, and developing different capabilities that could change the world we live in. He described his private R&D facility, equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and


What challenges does the VR sector face in 2023?

This year, the global VR market is valued at USD $15.8 billion – up from less than $12 billion in 2022. There are expected to be more than 15 million shipments of AR and VR headsets for commercial use in 2023, and 17.81 million shipments of headsets for consumer


Blending human-centred design with a futuristic mindset

Imagine trying a new technology – something you’ve been excited about for ages. You finally have access to this exciting innovation, and you think it’ll make your life better. But when you start to use it you struggle to operate it, or you find it hard to understand the


How entrepreneurs are motivated by struggle

The world loves trying to define what entrepreneurs are. Countless studies explore the mysterious qualities of entrepreneurs, searching for a reason why some people tenaciously pursue entrepreneurial endeavours, and others don’t. This 2022 study, for example, attempted to uncover the dominant characteristics behind entrepreneurial intention and success over the


Digitise it: the decarbonisation of energy in Saudi Arabia

Globally, the decarbonisation of the energy sector is an important priority. One of the United Nations’ global goals (Goal 7, to be precise) is to ensure access to ‘affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy’. According to the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023, the world is moving towards sustainable energy targets