
Using AI to enable inclusive education

We explore how artificial intelligence can make education more inclusive for students of all abilities and backgrounds – with collaborative, adaptive, and personalised learning.


Shooting Star Winner: A journey after LEAP

At LEAP 2024, Karnika (Senior Associate at Newtrace) battled it out in front of a live audience in the Rocket Fuel Pitch competition, and won the Shooting Star award; which included an equity-free investment of $150,000.  Newtrace is developing next-generation membraneless electrolyzers to enable the adoption of green hydrogen


The Garage and LEAP: When great minds come together.

We’ve been talking to some brilliant and influential leaders in the Saudi startup tech and ecosystems for #LEAP2025. This series gives us an unmatched insight into the impact LEAP has had in their success. This week we caught up with Omar Al-Shabaan, CPO at The Garage. The Garage and


Ibrahim Abdulaziz Neyaz from NTDP: How LEAP helped them reach new heights

We’ve been talking to some brilliant and influential leaders in the Saudi startup tech and ecosystems for #LEAP2025. This series gives us an unmatched insight into the impact LEAP has had in its success. Recently we caught up with Ibrahim Abdulaziz Neyaz, CEO of the National Technology Development Programme


Discover LEAP: The Creative Economy Track

In the Discover LEAP series here on the blog, we’re introducing you to the different stages and content tracks that you’ll experience at LEAP 2025. Dig deeper into the opportunities we’re lining up, and find out more about some of the expert speakers who are preparing to


Fail fast: It’s a strategy for success

At #LEAP23, Isabelle Kumar (News Anchor and Presenter) asked Steven Bartlett (Founder of Social Chain, Podcaster, and TV Personality) this question: “how do you feel about uncertainty?” “I accept it to be the nature of life,” he replied, “I accept that uncertainty is a state of being we’ll always


What’s it really like to work in XR?

Amy Peck (Founder and CEO at Endeavour XR) came to #LEAP23 to share her unique perspective on the state of the metaverse, and how blended reality tech is blurring the boundaries between physical and digital life.  We caught up with her after the event to get more insights into what


Mentorship over money: A key to entrepreneurial success

Imagine you’re starting out on your journey as an entrepreneur. You’re excited. You’re overflowing with ideas, with this vision of the future that you can help to create – and you’re being propelled forwards by enthusiasm and passion. So what do you do? You work hard to


Startups: Find an investor who understands your business

When we interviewed William Bao Bean (General Partner at SOSV and Managing Director of Orbit Startups), we asked what makes a good match between an investor and a startup.  He said:  “For us the number one driver is ‘Can we be helpful?’”  Orbit’s approach to selecting investments isn’t


What does a Space Architect do on Earth?

Have you ever met a Space Architect? Let us introduce you to #LEAP23 keynote speaker Phnam Bagley (Space Architect at Nonfiction Design). Nonfiction is a creative studio that turns science fiction into reality, blending space architecture with Earth-based design and facilitating a future in which the world around us is…


An AI-powered robot for education and empowerment

We interviewed #LEAP23 speaker Elnaz Sarraf (Founder and CEO at ROYBI Robot) to learn how she came up with her life-changing product (clue: it started with sketches on paper in her bedroom), and how she navigated the journey from the seed of an idea, to raising funding of $4.2


Fintech: it’s a force for evolution

“…under one roof (an unfathomably big roof) we have smart energy, smart cities, and health tech bumping into fintech tech. LEAP 2023 afforded me the chance to talk with others from around the world, in different industries, about that intersectionality of smart data use cases in an open framework; a


Never underestimate the power of stories in tech

“I just don’t understand technology. It’s too complicated, it’s not my thing. When the conversation turns to new tech, I switch off.” Have you ever heard people who don’t work in tech say things like this? Being a self-identifying technophobe is a really common way for