
Discover LEAP: The Creative Economy Track

In the Discover LEAP series here on the blog, we’re introducing you to the different stages and content tracks that you’ll experience at LEAP 2025. Dig deeper into the opportunities we’re lining up, and find out more about some of the expert speakers who are preparing to


How AI is transforming the creative economy

Globally, our ideas about what the creative economy is have changed over the last two decades. We started to describe a range of activities as ‘creative industries’ about twenty years ago; including theatre, film, music, dance, visual arts, and more. As digital technologies have advanced, creative industries expanded to include


8 Things we love about Austria’s startup ecosystem

Welcome to the 417 new techies who have joined us. If you haven’t already, subscribe and join our community in receiving weekly tech insights, updates, and interviews with industry experts straight to your inbox. This week we’re quoting Kambis Kohansal Vajargah (Head of Startup-Services and Deputy Head of


Lessons from Austria: How to build a robust startup ecosystem

Kambis Kohansal Vajargah (Head of Startup-Services and Deputy Head of Founder-Services at Austrian Federal Economic Chamber) is the founding partner of a number of startups – including watchado, Saturo, ALVERI, and more. He’s an angel investor at Gateway Ventures and Founders of Europe, and he was chosen by the World


Do tech entrepreneurs need mentorship or trusted advisors?

In a recent conversation with Richard McKeon, our own Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Tahaluf, he said that having trusted advisors has been critical to his own career path to date.  “When I think about how I’ve navigated the twists and turns of my marketing career so


How to leverage founder-led marketing for your tech company

Founder-led marketing has become a big deal in 2024. Across the tech industry, founders are stepping up to take centre stage in their company’s marketing strategy – posting on LinkedIn, authoring blog posts, engaging with PR opportunities, and giving customers a closer look at the inner workings of their business.


Gamers in the ‘real’ world

Welcome to the 313 new techies who have joined us since last week Friday. If you haven’t already, subscribe and join our community in receiving weekly tech insights, updates, and interviews with industry experts straight to your inbox. This week we’re quoting Leon Winkler (Senior Director of International


Developers: 3 Programming puzzle platforms to challenge your brain

Programming puzzles are short programming challenges designed to help developers improve and evaluate their skills. If you’re a developer, programming puzzles are a valuable resource at any stage in your career – but they’re particularly useful for newer coders who are actively building their skill sets.  Often written in


Why are Crypto Astrologers gaining popularity?

The tech industry is home to countless intriguing job titles – from Space Architect to Digital Prophet. And now, Crypto Astrologers are introducing a starry new way to predict the future of cryptocurrency returns.  Astrology is a system based on the belief that events and personalities within human societies are linked


Why LEAP is good for your brain

Work gets tough sometimes. In the tech industry, it’s inevitable that you’ll come up against major challenges and experience setbacks that throw your business or career off course. When you’re feeling motivated and inspired, it’s easier to navigate those challenges – but if you’re not feeling


What’s the difference between tech and magic?

Welcome to the 553 new techies who have joined us. If you haven’t already, subscribe and join our community in receiving weekly tech insights, updates, and interviews with industry experts straight to your inbox. This week we’re quoting Arthur C. Clark (Very Famous Sci-Fi Author) What Clark said:


Tech leaders share one thing they wish they’d known

If you’ve been following the LEAP blog for a while now, you’ll know that we love talking to the tech industry’s best minds and sharing their wisdom with our readers. One of the questions we’ve been asking them lately is this:  What’s one thing you


Product-market fit: Why does it matter and how do you find it?

Product-market fit is, on paper at least, pretty simple. You’ve got a product that’s right for the market you’re launching into – so your ideal customers buy the product, use it as intended, and tell other people about it. Basically, it serves a purpose for them and they


Developing a video game? Start here.

Welcome to the 269 new techies who have joined us since last Friday. If you haven’t already, subscribe and join our community in receiving weekly tech insights, updates, and interviews with industry experts straight to your inbox. This week we’re quoting Michael Katz (Video Games Industry Expert) What


One expert’s journey through four decades in gaming

Michael Katz (Video Games Industry Expert) has spent over 25 years in the video games industry. He was President of Sega of America for the introduction of the Genesis 16 bit game system; President of Altari’s video games division during a critical period in the company’s expansion; and


From the 1920s to the 2020s: The rise of BCIs

A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct pathway of communication that links the electrical activity in the human brain to an external device. The development of this technology has had a long and winding journey so far; but with today’s emerging technologies, we’re seeing a surge of new